Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wrinkles Treatment - Get Rid of Wrinkles - Botox Dysport Xeomin

Wrinkles Treatment - Get Rid of Wrinkles with Botox, Dysport, Xeomin

What are wrinkles? Wrinkles are lines that can appear either from movement or at rest as a result of aging.

How do you get wrinkles, you might ask? As we age, our body’s ability to heal and produce collagen is diminished, making it essential to have a great anti aging skin care, that includes both creams for wrinkles as well as anti wrinkle procedures.

So how do you get rid of wrinkles? Anti aging wrinkle treatments include injections with Botox, Dysport, Xeomin as well as laser treatments, and best wrinkle creams proven to get wrinkles to diminish in appearance. We can help you discuss the perfect anti aging treatments that are right for you.

"Wrinkles are one of the most frequently areas asked in dermatology. People want to know what they can do about their wrinkles."
"To really understand how to treat a wrinkle we need to think of the wrinkle in terms of what type of the wrinkle is. We have wrinkles that are at rest. If you make no expressions on your face, you still have that wrinkle. They can be fine wrinkles or deep wrinkles but doesn't have any movement you still have those wrinkles. For those we have to do laser treatments or creams."
One of the most frequent asked questions I have is: What is the best wrinkles treatment that will get rid of my wrinkles?

"But what about wrinkles that come as a result of expressions? like frowning or moving your forehead up, or when you smile, those little lines that show up here (on your forehead). To be able to get ride of that wrinkle that is created by the muscle movement, we have to be able to take that muscle and relax it."

"What happens is as we go through life we are constantly using our face muscles to make expressions. After certain period of time our muscles have done so many powerful expressions on our face that the skin has become damaged and it forms lines. We often have those lines even if we don't make any expression after certain period of time. So it's very important to be able to get ride of these wrinkles that come as a result of muscle movement before they get really deep."

"As soon as you stat making expressions and you see that there is line forming it's the time to actually start treating with either Botox, Dysport or the newest form of .... Xeomin. The way it is done is by series of injections that basically stop the muscle from contracting so much so the skin has a chance to heal and get rid of that wrinkle as a result of getting rid of that muscle movement."

"Now, many people always ask me: "I don't want to look fake, I don’t ant to look overdone. How can I do it so I look natural? 

The answer to that is to use just the right amount and put it in areas where we basically relax the muscle in a very natural contour and not create paralysis completely where you look really fake and look that you can’t make any expressions at all.

I’m going to show you today treatment of forehead so when people move their forehead up and down those wrinkles that form and also frown; no body likes the frownies face! So we can actually stop it that. Even when you are making expressions and looks like you are very animated, you don’t have those big wrinkles that take away from ….. those faces. So I’m going to demonstrate that for you now.

Most commonly people ask me “how long does it take to see the effects of my treatment?” With Dysport some people see (the effects of) the treatment a little earlier than Botox but usually we tell people to wait about two weeks to see the maximum effect. But give it about 3 days to start kicking and you’ll feel may be a little tighter when you make an expression but over time you’ll see that you really actually don’t know that you are not making that expression in the same way. And it looks actually very natural.

The other commonly asked question is “what are the side effects?”
In many, many clinical trials with all the Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, there’s never been an incident if you use the right product, the right concentration by a trained hand; having any complication outside the skin, like for example paralysis of the vocal cords or not being able to breath, all the horrible things we hear on the media.  As long as you use the right product, the right concentration and the right (trained) hand.

A lot of times people use products that are a little cheaper or may be diluted differently to be able to save on cost and those are the complications that some times you might hear about. So it’s actually quite fake.

The other thing that could happen with any injection is that you can get bruising. Bruising is probable the most common side effect that people notice.  So we had given her (my patient) some Arnica to prevent any excess of bruising. It actually numb up her skin so it’s not as painful. So we are going to use a little bit of ice to help constrict her blood vessels and help with both pain and bruising.

I’m going to show you how we do that. To get her right contour we want the get her right anatomy and find her right expression. I want to push your fore head up please. Perfect.

How was that?
That’s good.
All right, that was your first dose, good. Push your forehead back up again. Beautiful; beautiful, well done.
And so on and so forth we are going to do it until we catch all the little wrinkles.

Now we had completed the treatment on the forehead and you can see there is a little blood. They are going to flatten now. It’s just where we put an intense amount of the product.
Now we re gong to go ahead and treat that frown. I want to make a big-nice frown. That’s my girl. Relax, ok. Again, we are gong to go right into the belly of he muscle that I’m trying to relax.  Put just the right dose.
Perfect, how was that? Painful?
Another one? Another frown. There is my girl. Perfect, relax… Excellent.
Another frown? Yes, relax? There we go sweet heart. One last shot. Another frown? There we go.  And we are done! She did great! 

Thank you.

Call me at (310) 917-4433 for an appointment.


How to get rid of wrinkles with a wrinkles treatment?


  1. Thanks for an extensive explanation. I've heard about this wrinkle treatment a long time ago but was kind of scary and uncertain whether or not I'm ready to try something like this. I've tried many different home remedies (some of them are mentioned here http://samplelover.club/how-to-remove-wrinkles-from-face/) and wrinkle remover creams, but I guess that they can only help people who are younger than me and whose wrinkles are not so deep. Now I really think that this may be a way out for me. I will consider unndergoing this procedure.

  2. Your Post is very useful, I am truly happy to post my note on this blog . It helped me with ocean of awareness on Botox Dysport and Xeomin. I really consider you will do much better in the future.

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